Design Review Tool with visual feedback and AI

Make reviewing and collecting feedback on graphic designs easier and more effective for both designers, clients or stakeholders with Artificial Inteligence

Welcome to DESFE, your ultimate visual feedback tool! Our platform enables designers and teams to collaborate effectively by streamlining the feedback process.

With DESFE, you can easily annotate and discuss your design projects within your team and clients, making your design process faster, more efficient and highly interactive.

Say goodbye to endless email threads and confusing feedback, and say hello to straightforward, visual and real-time design discussions. Start your journey with DESFE today!

Collecting design feedback is finally simple

Forget about hassle of converting and sharing your designs through emails or messaging apps for review

Secure sharing

DESFE automatically converts your source files, such as .ai, .psd, and .svg, while adding watermarks for enhanced security.

Access control

Share a private review link for easy access and seamless tracking, eliminating the need for accounts and authorizations.

Never get lost in the feedback loops again

Experience the ease of tracking progress and receiving feedback on your designs without the chaos of lengthy threads and heated conversations.

Threaded annotations

View all feedback with specific references to your design elements and respond directly to each comment.

Version control

Effortlessly switch between versions to monitor progress and achieve desired results with minimal effort.

Enhance creativity and stay productive

Design reviews and feedback can be daunting, but DESFE provides you with the tools to make the process smoother.

Review management

Group feedback into sessions and establish a structured review process to minimize burnout and effectively manage client and stakeholder expectations.

AI inspiration

Utilize AI to generate inspiration based on your designs and feedback, ensuring you never get stuck on any requests from clients or stakeholders.



Enjoy basic features like secure sharing and threaded annotations to streamline the collection of design feedback.



Get access to all features, including revision session management and AI inspiration, to boost performance.

9 USD / month / seat


Treat your customers with custom branding, UI, and domain for enhanced brand perception.

from 150 USD/month

How to gather design feedback from customers

1. Share your designs

Once file uploaded, share the review link with your customers or stakeholders to give them easy access to provide feedback.

2. Review the feedback

Take the time to thoroughly review each comment and update your files accordingly to ensure alignment with the feedback received.

3. Release the final version

Make the updated sources available for download to your customers so they can easily access the refined design.

Never edit the final version again!

All about design review and feedback

What is design feedback, and why is it important?

Design feedback involves receiving comments, suggestions, and critiques on your designs from clients, stakeholders, or peers. It's essential because it helps improve the quality of your work, ensures alignment with project requirements, and fosters collaboration and communication within the team.

How do I effectively gather design feedback from clients or stakeholders?

To gather design feedback effectively, utilize tools like DESFE to upload your source files and share them with clients or stakeholders. Encourage specific and constructive feedback by providing clear guidelines and reference points within the design. Regularly communicate with your stakeholders to ensure their expectations are met.

How can I manage and organize design feedback efficiently?

Utilize features like threaded annotations and version control offered by platforms such as DESFE to manage and organize design feedback efficiently. Threaded annotations help categorize and address feedback, while version control allows you to track changes and maintain a clear history of revisions.

How should I handle conflicting feedback from different stakeholders?

When faced with conflicting feedback from various stakeholders, prioritize feedback based on project objectives and client requirements. Seek clarification when necessary and use your expertise to make informed decisions that align with the project goals. Open communication and collaboration can also help resolve conflicting feedback.

What are some best practices for incorporating design feedback into my work?

When incorporating design feedback into your work, it's crucial to approach it with an open mind and a structured process. Actively listen to feedback without taking it personally, analyzing it objectively to prioritize changes that align with project goals. Maintain open communication with stakeholders, iteratively iterating on designs based on their input rather than making drastic changes all at once.

How do I know when a design is ready for final approval?

A design is ready for final approval when it meets the project requirements, addresses all essential feedback, and aligns with the client's vision and objectives. Conduct thorough reviews with stakeholders to ensure consensus and sign-off before finalizing the design.

Can I use AI to assist in design feedback and review processes?

Yes, AI can be used to streamline and enhance the design feedback and review processes. AI-powered tools can analyze feedback, generate insights, and provide suggestions for improvements based on patterns and trends in the feedback data. Additionally, AI can help automate repetitive tasks, such as organizing feedback or generating design variations.

How can I ensure confidentiality and security when sharing design files for feedback?

Choose platforms like DESFE that offer secure upload options and encryption features to protect your design files. Share review links with limited access to ensure confidentiality and control who can view and provide feedback on your designs. Regularly update passwords and review access permissions to maintain security.